Hooray! Oh Frabjous Day! Calloo Callay Caffeine!!

Barista, please change that decaf double expresso to a caf…

Aaron Carroll raises my quality of life!

Aaron Carroll: Do people still not get the hydration thing?: “In 2007, I published a paper in the BMJ on medical myths. One of the them was the idea that you needed eight glasses of water a day….

Two years later, we published a book on the subject. One of the included myths was the 8 glasses of water thing. A whole separate chapter was: ‘Caffeinated beverages are dehydrating’. Hint – they’re not.

So you’ll forgive me for imagining that this issue was put to rest. I was wrong. “No Evidence of Dehydration with Moderate Daily Coffee Intake: A Counterbalanced Cross-Over Study in a Free-Living Population“….

Guess what? Coffee isn’t dehydrating. Sigh.

Of course, there remains the question of just what counts as “moderate” daily coffee intake…

January 10, 2014

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