Over at Grasping Reality: A Now-Extended Non-Sokratic Dialogue on Webite Design

Over at Grasping Reality: : A Now-Extended Non-Sokratic Dialogue on Webite Design: What I, at least, regard as an interesting discussion in the comments to my A Very Brief Sokratic Dialogue on Website Redesign….

Platon: Five requirements?

Sokrates: Yes…. The stream… so… who want to either read what is new or to treat the site as a weblog–that is, have a sustained engagement and conversation with the website considered as a Turing-class hivemind–can do so…. The front-end… to give each piece of content a visually-engaging and subhead-teaser informative welcome mat…. The syndication… to propagate the front-end cards out to Twitter and Facebook…. The stock… a pathway… by which people can pull things written in the past… relevant… to their concerns today…. The grammar: The visually-interesting and subhead-teaser front-end… needs to lead the people who would want to and enjoy engaging with the content to actually do so…. [But,] as William Goldman says, nobody knows anything.

Platon: Is there anybody whose degree of not-knowingness is even slightly less than the degree of not-knowingness of the rest of us?…

Sokrates: My guess… http://www.vox.com–Ezra Klein and Melissa Bell and company–are most likely to be slightly less not-knowing than the rest of us…. READ MOAR

August 12, 2015

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