Over at Grasping Reality: David Glasner: Weekend Reading: Ludwig von Mises’s Unwitting Affirmation of the Hawtrey-Cassel Explanation of the Great Depression
Over at Grasping Reality: Weekend Reading: Ludwig von Mises’s Unwitting Affirmation of the Hawtrey-Cassel Explanation of the Great Depression: “The parallels with the antinomies of the thought of the Ludwig von Mises of today–John Taylor–are, I think, rather striking:
:David Glasner: “In looking up some sources for my previous post on the gold-exchange standard…
…I checked, as I like to do from time to time, my old copy of The Theory of Money and Credit by Ludwig von Mises. Mises published The Theory of Money and Credit in 1912 (in German of course) when he was about 31 years old, a significant achievement. In 1924 he published a second enlarged edition addressing many issues that became relevant in the aftermath the World War and the attempts then underway to restore the gold standard. So one finds in the 1934 English translation of the 1924 German edition a whole section of Part III, chapter 6 devoted to the Gold-Exchange Standard…