Rethinking U.S. corporate governance: Impacts on workers, racial inequality, and industrial policy

Lenore Palladino, assistant professor of economics and public policy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, presented on the relationship between shareholder primacy and the U.S. labor market, as well as on the current landscape of research and debate on concentrated corporate power and financial policy. Her presentation was followed by discussant remarks from Xavier de Souza Briggs, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, on the implications of corporate governance for industrial policy and racial equity. The event closed with a moderated conversation on the most promising avenues for future research and the policy challenges in this area moving forward.
This was an installment of “Equitable Growth Presents: Evidence for a Stronger Economy,” a lecture series that seeks to foster a deeper understanding of cutting-edge research and analysis on economic inequality and growth.
Please direct questions related to event content to Kate Bahn, Director of Labor Market Policy and Chief Economist
Please direct questions related to event logistics and technology to Events Associate, Shonda Williams.
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Shareholder Primacy & Its Impacts on Labor in the United States
In Conversation with Lenore Palladino
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