Evening Must-Read: William Dudley: What Kinds of Jobs Have Been Created During the Recovery?

Mark Thoma sends us to William Dudley: What Kinds of Jobs Have Been Created During the Recovery?: “A feature of the Great Recession…

…and indeed the prior two recessions, is that the middle-skill jobs that were lost don’t all come back during the recoveries that follow. Instead, job opportunities have tended to shift toward higher- and lower-skilled workers…. While there’s been a good number of both higher-skill and lower-skill jobs created in the region during the recovery, opportunities for middle-skilled workers have continued to shrink…. There have been significant and long-lasting changes to the nature of work… many middle-skilled workers displaced during the recession are likely to find that their old jobs will never come back… and workers are increasingly facing higher skill requirements in order to land a good job…. One thing is clear: workers will need more education, training and skills…

May 21, 2014

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