Evening Must-Read: Ben Wolcott: Austerity and the Employment Rate

Austerity and the Employment Rate CEPR Blog

Ben Wolcott: Austerity and the Employment Rate: “In 2010, after an initial round of coordinated stimulus…

…from both wealthy and developing countries, deficit hawks around the world regrouped. Pointing to growing deficits and debt, they demanded that countries reverse course and begin moving toward balanced budgets. The deficit hawks argued that deficit reduction could be accomplished without impairing growth because of the effect it would have in boosting confidence among businesses and consumers. Many economists argued against this drive towards austerity at the time. They noted and rigorously explained the fallacious logic in the idea that deficit reduction could be expansionary. They also pointed out how fiscal policy had already saved the economy from a second depression and that more stimulus would likely be necessary. However, now we have more than three years of data, so we no longer have to speculate. A simple picture can be worth a thousand words (or in this case, billions)…

June 9, 2014

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