Daily Piketty: Kudos for Francis X. Diebold

We are informed by the estimable Mark Thoma:

Mark Thoma: Economist’s View: Another 180 on Piketty: “Since we are looking at models of how to respond to one’s own errors…

…[Francis X. Diebold] Another 180 on Piketty’s Measurement:

…yes, I’m doing another 180. It seems clear that the bulk of the evidence suggests that the FT, not Piketty, is guilty of sloppiness. Piketty’s response is convincing, and all-told, his book (with its thoughtful discussion, meticulous footnotes, detailed online technical appendix, freely-available datasets, etc. — see his fine website) remains a model of careful social-science measurement as reported for a lay audience. …

Honorable and impressive. Waiting for Chris Giles to act as a model……”

June 15, 2014

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