Lunchtime Must-Read: Danny Yagan: Capital Taxes and the Real Economy: The 2003 Dividend Tax Cut

Mike Konczal sends us to:

Danny Yagan: Capital Taxes and the Real Economy: The 2003 Dividend Tax Cut: “Policymakers frequently propose to use capital tax reform…

…to stimulate investment and increase labor earnings. This paper tests for such real impacts of the 2003 dividend tax cutó one of the largest reforms ever to a U.S. capital tax rateó using a quasi-experimental design and a large sample of U.S. corporate tax returns from years 1996-2008. I estimate that the tax cut caused zero change in corporate investment, with an upper bound elasticity with respect to one minus the top statutory tax rate of .08 and an upper bound e§ect size of .03 standard deviations. This null result is robust across specifications, samples, and investment measures. I similarly find no impact on employee compensation.

The lack of detectable real effects contrasts with an immediate impact on financial payouts to shareholders. Economically, the findings challenge leading estimates of the cost-of-capital elasticity of investment, or undermine models in which dividend tax reforms a§ect the cost of capital. Either way, it may be difficult for policymakers to implement an alternative dividend tax cut that has substantially larger near-term effects.

North Atlantic Bond Markets and the Near-Term Macroeconomic Outlook: Daily Focus

FRED Graph FRED St Louis Fed

In my view, the best way to understand what has happened to the U.S. bond market over the past six months is this:

The bond market has continued to believe the four things it started believing in mid-2013, at the time of the taper tantrum:

  1. The FOMC believes in an expectational Phillips Curve with a natural rate of unemployment below but near to where it is today, hence inflation is going to start rising slowly after next year when the unemployment rate crashes through the NAIRU heading down.
  2. The FOMC believes that the expectational Phillips Curve is relatively flat, and so the pace at which inflation is going to start rising will be very slow.
  3. The FOMC will explain away any failures of inflation to rise over the next four years or so as due to specific factors, and not revisit its view of the appropriate interest rate path until late in this decade.
  4. Thus the FOMC will raise interest rates, and the average 3-Month Treasury Bill rate over the next five years will not be the 0.4%/year or so expected before the taper tantrum but rather something like 1.4%/year.

And over the past six months the market has come to believe:

  1. The FOMC’s policies are and will be too tight for it to hit its 2%/year inflation rate target over the next five years.
  2. Rather, the FOMC’s policies will produce an average inflation rate of 1.3%/year over the next five years–a cumulative undershoot in nominal demand by an additional 3.5%-points.
  3. But because the FOMC will not realize its policies are too tight–will explain away the quarter-by-quarter undershoots as due to special factors until late in this decade–investments in 5-Year Treasury notes will produce positive real returns, an expectation not held since 2010.

And, as near as I can see, the FOMC factions believe:

  1. Interest rates need to be raised now so that commercial banks can return to their normal business models and not be forced to attempt profitability via the reach for yield by making risky loans that they cannot properly evaluate.
  2. The market’s macro expectations are less well-informed than those of the Fed staff, and should be ignored as reflecting fads and fashions, panic and exuberance.
  3. All or nearly all of the excess 2%-point decline in prime-age male labor-force participation over and above long-term trends is not or is no longer “cyclical”, in that these missing male workers cannot be pulled back into the labor force unless the economy becomes one of such high pressure as to produce unacceptable inflation.
  4. All or nearly all of the excess 1.5%-point decline in prime-age female labor-force participation over and above the declining structural trend that (perhaps) began in 2000 is not or is no longer “cyclical”, in that these missing female workers cannot be pulled back into the labor force unless the economy becomes one of such high pressure as to produce unacceptable inflation.
  5. It is not worth running any inflation risks to find out whether our views are correct or not.
FRED Graph FRED St Louis Fed

From my perspective, all I can think is that the FOMC hs fallen victim to a form of groupthink in which it really does not understand the situation and the risks. The members of the FOMC who seek primarily to normalize interest rates out of a concern for the commercial banking sector do not understand:

  1. Expectations of normal inflation rates and full employment need to proceed interest rate increases.
  2. If they do not premature interest-rate increases will have to be rapidly reversed.
  3. And the time spent near the ZLB will be even longer.

The members of the FOMC who seek optimal control do not understand:

  1. How uncertain we are right now about the current state of the economy.
  2. How uncertain we are right now about the current structure of the economy.
  3. How even if the bond market’s shift over the past six months in its expectations is not a good rational forecast, it is nevertheless a major leftward shift in the IS curve that needs to be neutralized by someone.
  4. How dire the situation in Europe is.
  5. How much of the linkages across the Atlantic are due not to (small) trans-oceanic trade flows and their influence on aggregate demand, but rather to psychological animal-spirits contagion.

Paul Krugman is on the case:

Paul Krugman: The European Scene: “The ECB’s plan… the German media are already howling…

The European Scene NYTimes com

…with Bild warning that Draghi’s expected actions will reduce the pressure for reform in ‘crisis-hit countries such as… France.’… Look at ‘crisis-hit’ France; investors are so worried about France that they won’t hold its bonds unless offered, um, 0.64 percent, the lowest rate in history. But never mind… the French must be in crisis, because they still believe in social insurance, and besides, they’re French. Notice also that crisis-hit Spain is now paying a lower interest rate than Britain…. This should… put an end to all the talk about how low British rates are the reward for austerity, and so on….

Very low rates reflect market expectations that (a) the European economy will remain very weak and (b) that the ECB will continue to fall far short of its inflation target…. The market is saying both that there are very few good investment opportunities out there–few enough that paying the German government to protect the real value of your wealth is a good move–and that inflation over the next five years will be around 0.4 percent, not the target of 2 percent….

The markets don’t believe that the US is immune to these ills. Market expectations of inflation… have fallen off a cliff…. [Yet] Fed officials seem weirdly complacent…

947 words

Capital taxation: What is it good for?

President Obama tonight will announce a proposed change to the U.S. tax system that would make it much more progressive. The plan would reduce the amount of federal taxes paid by middle-income earners while increasing taxes for those at the top of the wealth and income ladder.

The proposal has three main changes to the tax system for those at the top. The first would eliminate the so-called step-up in basis for taxes on capital gains. When a person inherits, say, a large amount of stock holdings from a parent, the inheritor is only taxed on the gains made after they inherit the stocks. So if a parent bought a stock at $1 and it appreciates to $99 before the child receives the stock, then the child would only be taxed on the gains over $99. This is how large amounts of wealth are passed untaxed from generation to generation.

The second proposal would levy a small tax on large banks when they borrow money. This proposed reform is designed to reduce bank borrowing to increase the stability of the financial system. In modern finance, banks no longer rely solely on deposits to amass the capital needed to lend money, instead borrowing increasing amounts of money for lending purposes, which in modest amounts is not risky but threatens financial stability when overdone.

The third would increase the tax rate on long-term capital gains. This last proposed reform is particularly important for policymakers to consider, but first let’s examine the economic thinking around taxing capital gains.

The most famous way economists think about capital taxation is known as Chamley-Judd model, named after several papers first penned in the mid-1980s by economists Christopher Chamley of Boston University and Stanford University’s Kenneth L. Judd. The general thrust of these papers is that individuals in the economy are extremely forward looking when it comes to their savings decisions and therefore capital formation. Capital gains taxes would have a negative impact on the long-run growth potential of the economy by reducing savings-induced investments and capital formation, therefore lowering the potential living standards of workers.

In short, the model finds that the supply of capital is infinitely elastic to changes in the capital taxation rate, which means the long-run supply of savings and capital would change drastically depending on the tax rate. And when something has an infinite elasticity, it makes no sense to tax that good or activity at all because the reduction would be, well, infinite.

But policymakers and economists alike need to consider whether we are really in an infinite elasticity world. First, a paper by economists Thomas Piketty at the Paris School of Economics and Emmanuel Saez at the University of California-Berkeley builds a model of capital taxation that accounts for a variety of real-world factors and accurately accounts for a several empirical facts. They find an optimal capital tax rate that is larger than zero. So Chamley-Judd’s supremacy in discussions about capital taxation may not be warranted.

What’s more, a few quick glances at several types of data also cast doubt on the assumptions that inform the Chamley-Judd model. As Piketty and Saez point out in their paper, if those assumptions are correct, then we should see large swings in the capital-income ratio as tax rates change. But we don’t see that in the data.

Finally, based on the Chamley-Judd model, the savings rates of the rich (those who hold most of the capital) should be quite sensitive changes in tax rates. But as Slate’s Jordan Weissmann points out, there doesn’t seem to be much of a relationship. Similarly, economist Len Burman, the director of the Tax Policy Center, finds no relationship with economic growth.

All of this isn’t to say that capital taxation is a free lunch. At high enough levels it certainly would have negative consequences. But the idea that any level of capital taxation would be an immense problem for long-run economic growth seems to be a misplaced concern.

Things to Read on the Evening of January 19, 2015

Must- and Shall-Reads:


  1. Tim Duy: Will The Fed Take a Dovish Turn Next Week?: “We are heading into the next FOMC meeting with the growing expectation that the Fed will take a dovish turn… global economic turmoil, collapsing oil prices, weak inflation, and a stronger dollar… pointing to rapidly rising downside risks…. Expectations of the first rate hike have been pushed out  to the end of this year, seemingly in complete defiance of Fed plans…. [But] kind of a ‘Fed is from Mars, markets are from Venus’ situation…. My takeway is that the Fed sees the timing of the first rate hike as less important than everything that comes after that hike. This will leave them less eager to delay the hike… I suspect they see little chance of damage from that first hike alone…. I don’t see how they can justify raising rates without some reasonable acceleration in wage growth… [but] perhaps… they can justify it on the basis of 25bp won’t hurt anyone ..”

  2. Willem Buiter: The SNB, the Exchange-Rate Peg, and the Interest-Rate ZLB: “[Superior] would have been the continuation of the exchange rate floor…. The old regime, with or without the additional 50bps cut… was viable and superior to the new regime…. Central banks can live with very large balance sheets… diversify… out of euro forex…. There is no ostensible problem with the central bank having to live with becoming an even larger hedge fund/asset manager or Sovereign Wealth Fund…. It may be that the political scrutiny that would come with an even larger balance sheet… was a source of concern…. But such discomfort would seem to be a small price to pay compared to the cost to the nation of a massively overvalued currency, serious deflation and the resulting harmful effects on the real economy…. The second superior alternative would have been to abolish the effective lower bound on the nominal interest rate…. There is little empirical evidence on demurrage for paper currency…. There are no serious arguments against creating a financial system where nominal policy rates can be set with equal ease at -5% as at +5%…. The ELB can be eliminated… by abolishing currency/cash… checkable deposits… credit cards, debit cards and cash-on-a-chip cards… existing and yet-to-be invented e-money… taxing currency, in the spirit of Gesell (1916)… end the fixed exchange rate, currently set at unity, between SNB deposits and cash… encourage the use of the deposit Franc as the numéraire… for price and wage setting…. The good news is that, apart for the reputational damage suffered by the SNB… much of the damage can be undone. The SNB… [could] restore as much of the status quo ante as possible by restoring a floor to the exchange rate of the CHF and the euro (or to the effective exchange rate of the CHF for some suitable basket of currencies)…. No doubt the euros would be galloping in at any floor that is not well below 1.20 CHF per euro, but Switzerland has many skilled asset managers who could invest the rapidly expanding resources of the SNB in a globally diversified portfolio of nominal and real assets. The second damage-limiting option is to abolish the ELB on nominal interest rates as soon as possible…

  3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1935): “Today a hope of many years’ standing is in large part fulfilled. The civilization of the past hundred years, with its startling industrial changes, has tended more and more to make life insecure. Young people have come to wonder what would be their lot when they came to old age. The man with a job has wondered how long the job would last…”

  4. Ezra Klein: Why Republicans Can’t Replace ObamaCare: “Cato’s Michael Cannon scolds the right for getting outplayed, again and again, on health care. ‘Conservatives are falling into the same trap… conceding… that the government should be trying to provide everybody with health insurance…. Once you accept those premises, all of your solutions look like the left’s solutions.’… Cannon is right. The basic project of health reform, at least as it’s been understood in American politics in recent decades, involves the government giving money to poor people so they can buy health-care insurance. That money needs to come from somewhere…. The problem for conservatives is that making sure poor people have health insurance is politically popular…. Philip Klein illuminates an inconvenient truth: upheaval in the health-care system typically makes for terrible politics…. This is the central problem for conservative health reformers… the party doesn’t want to make the sacrifices necessary to unite behind an alternative to Obamacare, much less actually pass and implement it…. Klein identifies three schools of conservative thought on what to do next: the Reform School… the Replace School… repeal Obamacare and replace it with Obamacare-lite; and the Restart School, which… rejects the idea that the government should be… expand[ing] access to health care…. Klein’s book is… far and away the clearest, most detailed look at conservative health-policy thinking…. But… the important cleavage… is between those in the party who want to prioritize health reform and those who don’t…. And that’s really the problem for conservative health reformers. For all the plans floating around, there’s little evidence Republicans care enough about health reform to pay its cost.”

Should Be Aware of:


  1. John Holbo: The Race Card, Circa 1871: “Jon Chait has an interesting column… Stephen Budiansky… ‘waving the bloody shirt’ wasn’t functionally a smear against post-Civil War Democrats, turning every debate about post-war issues into a re-commencement of old hostilities. Rather…. ‘In 1871, Klansmen in Mississippi accosted Allen Huggins, a northerner who had helped educate freed slaves, thrashed him within an inch of his life, and threatened to kill him…. The bloody shirt was Huggins’s, allegedly waved by Republican Benjamin Butler on the House floor… not the relic of an ancient feud but evidence of an ongoing epidemic of rampant violence.’… It was, right from the start, the double-reverse ‘bloody shirt’ gambit. False flag. An attempt to generate a smokescreen to conceal present violence, by falsely alleging that the people drawing attention to present violence were merely trying to inflame people regarding past violence…. Think of how weird it is that the Democratic attitude, which evolved ‘waving the bloody shirt’ as a rhetorical defense mechanism, was probably something like this: ‘I do not oppose Reconstruction, but of course that does not mean that I do oppose the near-murder of any carpetbagger who would educate former slaves!’ Chait’s point is that, in this case, a propaganda talking point won, becoming proverbial historical wisdom…”

  2. * Munilass: A Defense of Disruption as a Cultural Phenomenon: “Wieseltier’s remark…. Isn’t it possible both to resent living in a universe of content-driven drones, mindlessly copying and pasting articles and co-opting narratives, but still be excited about the democratization of ideas?… Disruption is not the same thing as nihilism. Moreover, nihilism wasn’t invented in the 21st century…”

Afternoon Must-Read: Tim Duy: Will The Fed Take a Dovish Turn Next Week?

Tim Duy: Will The Fed Take a Dovish Turn Next Week?: “We are heading into the next FOMC meeting…

…with the growing expectation that the Fed will take a dovish turn… global economic turmoil, collapsing oil prices, weak inflation, and a stronger dollar… pointing to rapidly rising downside risks…. Expectations of the first rate hike have been pushed out  to the end of this year, seemingly in complete defiance of Fed plans….

[But] kind of a ‘Fed is from Mars, markets are from Venus’ situation…. My takeway is that the Fed sees the timing of the first rate hike as less important than everything that comes after that hike. This will leave them less eager to delay the hike… I suspect they see little chance of damage from that first hike alone…. I don’t see how they can justify raising rates without some reasonable acceleration in wage growth… [but] perhaps… they can justify it on the basis of 25bp won’t hurt anyone…

Ahem!: I Believe the London Economist Needs to Step Up Its Game…

In its review of my next-door office neighbor, friend, and patron Barry Eichengreen’s superb Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, The Great Recession, and the Uses-and Misuses-of History, the London Economist writes things like:

Mr Eichengreen at times stretches the facts to fit his narrative. He accuses the Fed of keeping monetary policy too tight because of a preoccupation with inflation; but it enacted several rounds of unconventional stimulus…

This simply will not do.

Barry has substantial discussions of when, how, and why he thinks that the Federal Reserve kept monetary policy too tight because of a preoccupation with inflation.

You can disagree with the analytical framework he uses to make his assessment that monetary policy was “too tight”–smart people like Jeremy Stein do.

But you cannot say that Barry’s documented and well-supported analytical judgment “stretches” the facts, without any further elaboratio–unless, of course, you want to get a reputation for being in the fact-stretching business yourself.

The London Economist is right now in a race to establish itself as a trusted information intermediary with entities like the Financial Times, Business Insider, and Right now it appears to me at least to be well behind the leaders. Things like this do not help it…

Morning Must-Read: Willem Buiter: The SNB, the Exchange-Rate Peg, and the Interest-Rate ZLB

Willem Buiter: The SNB, the Exchange-Rate Peg, and the Interest-Rate ZLB: “[Superior] would have been the continuation…

…of the exchange rate floor…. The old regime, with or without the additional 50bps cut… was viable and superior to the new regime…. Central banks can live with very large balance sheets… diversify… out of euro forex…. There is no ostensible problem with the central bank having to live with becoming an even larger hedge fund/asset manager or Sovereign Wealth Fund…. It may be that the political scrutiny that would come with an even larger balance sheet… was a source of concern…. But such discomfort would seem to be a small price to pay compared to the cost to the nation of a massively overvalued currency, serious deflation and the resulting harmful effects on the real economy….

The second superior alternative would have been to abolish the effective lower bound on the nominal interest rate…. There is little empirical evidence on demurrage for paper currency…. There are no serious arguments against creating a financial system where nominal policy rates can be set with equal ease at -5% as at +5%…. The ELB can be eliminated… by abolishing currency/cash… checkable deposits… credit cards, debit cards and cash-on-a-chip cards… existing and yet-to-be invented e-money… taxing currency, in the spirit of Gesell (1916)… end the fixed exchange rate, currently set at unity, between SNB deposits and cash… encourage the use of the deposit Franc as the numéraire… for price and wage setting….

The good news is that, apart for the reputational damage suffered by the SNB… much of the damage can be undone. The SNB… [could] restore as much of the status quo ante as possible by restoring a floor to the exchange rate of the CHF and the euro (or to the effective exchange rate of the CHF for some suitable basket of currencies)….

No doubt the euros would be galloping in at any floor that is not well below 1.20 CHF per euro, but Switzerland has many skilled asset managers who could invest the rapidly expanding resources of the SNB in a globally diversified portfolio of nominal and real assets. The second damage-limiting option is to abolish the ELB on nominal interest rates as soon as possible…

Morning Must-Read: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1935): “A Hope of Many Years’ Standing…

Via Eric Rauchway, Franklin Delano Roosevelt while signing the Social Security Act on January 19, 1935:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1935): “Today a hope of many years’ standing is in large part fulfilled…

…The civilization of the past hundred years, with its startling industrial changes, has tended more and more to make life insecure. Young people have come to wonder what would be their lot when they came to old age. The man with a job has wondered how long the job would last.

This social security measure gives at least some protection to thirty millions of our citizens who will reap direct benefits through unemployment compensation, through old-age pensions and through increased services for the protection of children and the prevention of ill health.

We can never insure one hundred percent of the population against one hundred percent of the hazards and vicissitudes of life, but we have tried to frame a law which will give some measure of protection to the average citizen and to his family against the loss of a job and against poverty-ridden old age.

This law, too, represents a cornerstone in a structure which is being built but is by no means complete. It is a structure intended to lessen the force of possible future depressions. It will act as a protection to future Administrations against the necessity of going deeply into debt to furnish relief to the needy. The law will flatten out the peaks and valleys of deflation and of inflation. It is, in short, a law that will take care of human needs and at the same time provide for the United States an economic structure of vastly greater soundness.

Nighttime Must-Read: Ezra Klein: Why Republicans Can’t Replace ObamaCare

Ezra Klein: Why Republicans Can’t Replace ObamaCare: “Cato’s Michael Cannon scolds the right…

…for getting outplayed, again and again, on health care:

Conservatives are falling into the same trap… conceding… that the government should be trying to provide everybody with health insurance…. Once you accept those premises, all of your solutions look like the left’s solutions….

Cannon is right. The basic project of health reform, at least as it’s been understood in American politics in recent decades, involves the government giving money to poor people so they can buy health-care insurance. That money needs to come from somewhere…. The problem for conservatives is that making sure poor people have health insurance is politically popular…. Philip Klein illuminates an inconvenient truth: upheaval in the health-care system typically makes for terrible politics…. This is the central problem for conservative health reformers… the party doesn’t want to make the sacrifices necessary to unite behind an alternative to Obamacare, much less actually pass and implement it….

Klein identifies three schools of conservative thought on what to do next: the Reform School… the Replace School… repeal Obamacare and replace it with Obamacare-lite; and the Restart School, which… rejects the idea that the government should be… expand[ing] access to health care…. Klein’s book is… far and away the clearest, most detailed look at conservative health-policy thinking….

But… the important cleavage… is between those in the party who want to prioritize health reform and those who don’t…. And that’s really the problem for conservative health reformers. For all the plans floating around, there’s little evidence Republicans care enough about health reform to pay its cost.

Things to Read on the Evening of September 18, 2015

Must- and Shall-Reads:


  1. Lawrence Summers: : Focus on Middle Class Growth: “Growth that is a necessary condition for rising incomes is threatened by the specter of secular stagnation and deflation. In… 2014… 10-year Treasury rates have fallen by more than 1 percentage point in the United States and are only half as high in Germany and Japan as they were a year ago. In… Germany, France and Japan, short-term interest rates are now negative… suggest[ing] a chronic excess of saving over investment and the likely persistence of conditions that make monetary policy ineffective…. The world has largely exhausted the scope for central bank improvisation as a growth strategy…. It is time for concerted and substantial measures to raise both public and private investment…. The United States has enjoyed growth of about 11 percent over the past five years. Of this, standard economic calculations suggest that about 8 percent can be regarded as cyclical…. That leaves just 3 percent over five years as attributable to growth in the economy’s capacity. Even after our recovery, the share of American men age 25 to 54 who are out of work exceeds that in Japan, France, Germany and Britain…. Third, if it is to benefit the middle class, prosperity must be inclusive, and in the current environment this is far from assured…. These three concerns… are real but… not grounds for fatalism…. Canada and Australia in this century… show that sustained growth in middle-class living standards is attainable. But it requires elites to recognize its importance and commit themselves to its achievement. That must be the focus of this year’s Davos”

  2. Matt O’Brien: President Obama Finally Has His Piketty Moment: “Obama… will call for $320 billion of new taxes [over ten years] on rentiers, their heirs, and the big banks to pay for $175 billion of tax credits that will reward work… fighting a two-front war against a Piketty-style oligarchy where today’s hedge funders become tomorrow’s trust funders… trying to slow the seemingly endless accumulation of wealth among the top 1, and really the top 0.1, no actually the top 0.001…. And…trying to help the middle help itself by subsidizing work, child care, and education…. End the step-up [at death of] basis for capital gains…. Raise the top capital gains tax rate from 23.8 to 28 percent…. Tax the big banks for being big…. Subsidize middle-class work… a second-earner tax credit of $500… calling for the Earned Income Tax Credit to be doubled for childless workers, to try to get more young men in particular into the workforce… college tax credits to be streamlined, extended, and expanded… automatically enrolling [workers] in an IRA…. These are ideas, to be honest, that some Republicans support…. The question, then, isn’t how to help the middle class. It’s how to pay for it. Obama wants to make the top 1 percent and Wall Street do so. Republicans don’t. That, like every other one, will be what the 2016 election is about.”

  3. Willem Buiter: Did the SNB Score an Own Goal? Francly, Yes: “1. The removal of the 1.20 floor on the CHF-euro exchange rate was a mistake. 2. Superior policy alternatives existed. 3. The old regime was indefinitely sustainable. 4. Removing the lower bound on nominal interest rates would have been the best choice. This can be done one of three ways. 5. The economic damage can be limited by restoring the exchange rate floor at a level not below the old one, and/or by eliminating the lower bound on nominal interest rates. 6. The rest of the world can learn from the SNB’s experience with a -0.75% deposit rate.”

  4. Noah Smith: DeLong Smackdown Patrol: How worse off are we really?: “Bad Brad! In 2000, you believed that American economic policy and the American economy, though far from perfect, had been largely a success (right?). It’s understandable to think the 15 years since then have been a big disappointment – they have! – but why should that cause you to revise your evaluation of the period from 1980 to 2000? Do you think that we are now paying for excesses we enjoyed in that period, and that our prosperity increases during that period were thus illusory? I don’t think you think that. So don’t succumb to excessive pessimism!”

  5. Biagio Bossone: The ‘Safety Trap’ and Eurozone Secular Stagnation: “I have recently worked out a… DSGE model where the upsurge of pessimistic expectations causes high liquidity preference to become the source of a persistent drop in demand…. Would breaching the ZLB through negative interest rates (NIR) really help the economy exit the trap? Theoretically, it would; in practice, it is much less certain… push agents to search for alternative safe assets earning higher returns… [which] would then supplant… those liquid assets whose liquidity premiums the monetary authorities had sought to neutralize through NIR…. For similar reasons, quantitative easing… is ineffective…. Yet under liquidity preference dominance (Landau’s safety trap) and a binding ZLB, agents absorb any amounts of reserve money created and hold on to them without changing their consumption and investment plans…. Assume the central bank commits to being ‘irresponsible’… [if] QE policy actually becomes ‘helicopter money’… [it] impact[s] spending decisions through the fiscal lever…. Short of this twist… the central bank is left without effective channels…”

Should Be Aware of:


  1. B7e jpg 460×333 pixels
    Cthulhu Google Search

    dew: Warren, public opinion, and inequality: ”
    Paul Rosenberg has a good response to Amitai Etzioni’s rather lame attempt at a hatchet-job on Elizabeth Warren at The Atlantic: ‘Taking Norton and Ariely’s results seriously, we can say that the American people want a much fairer society than they live in, but that the means for articulating this desire—the stories, concepts, policy proposals, etc.—are in scandalously short supply, a de facto example of hypocognition thwarting what people want. Elizabeth Warren is particularly popular precisely because she provides some of the missing means that people are so hungry for—an antidote to the hypocognition that thwarts their desire for a fairer, more just vision of America, which respects both their hard work and their compassionate values. There may be relatively little polling to support this view (though there’s considerably more than you’d expect) but that’s partly just another example of how elites dominate the landscape of acceptable thought to protect their interests, as underscored by recent research by Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page. Warren represents a clear alternative to this narrow-minded view. Her popularity derives in large part from her ability to shape narratives that reflect the hidden majority’s shared values and articulate them in policy terms, reversing a decades-long trend by which elites of both parties have turned their backs on the welfare of ordinary Americans.’ While Rosenberg offers a much more accurate portrait of American public opinion than does Etzioni, there are reasons to think this offers an overly optimistic account. He’s right, of course, that Americans want a more egalitarian distribution of wealth and income than they’ve got. But it’s almost certainly the case that partisan identity is likely to significantly diminish the ‘hidden majority’ support for redistribution when it turns into an actual plan promoted by and associated with Democratic politicians (as the continued unpopularity of something called ‘Obamacare’ demonstrates). Raising the minimum wage manages to remain broadly popular despite the partisan divide, so it’s important not to be too fatalistic about this. (I suspect one reason for this is the simplicity of the policy; it’s harder to spin or dissemble the basic fairness of it away.) But the lack of specific policy proposals cuts both ways–lots of inequality-reducing proposals could be quite popular in the abstract, but once they become ‘Democratic’ proposals support is likely to conform to a more familiar partisan pattern.”