Should-Read: Stan Collender: GOP Tax Bill Is The End Of All Economic Sanity In Washington

Should-Read: Stan Collender: GOP Tax Bill Is The End Of All Economic Sanity In Washington: “The GOP tax bill will increase the federal deficit by $2 trillion or more over the next decade (the official estimates of $1.5 trillion hide the real amount with a witches’ brew of gimmicks and outright lies)…

…The GOP’s insanity is compounded by its moving ahead without having any idea of what this policy will actually do to the economy. The debates… took place before the Congressional Budget Office’s analysis and, if it really exists, the constantly-promised-but-never-seen report from the Treasury on the economics of this tax bill…. The GOP tax bill may be enacted without anyone who votes for it having any understanding of the damage it could do…. On top of everything else, there is no reason to rush this debate….

If the GOP tax bill is enacted, Congress and the president this year will give up almost all ability to deal with the U.S. economy for at least a decade even when, as almost certainly will happen, there’s a downturn. No one else will be able to fulfill this role. That’s almost a textbook definition of economic insanity…

Should-Read: Paul Krugman: Tax Cuts, Growth, and Leprechauns

Should-Read: It is now almost forty years since Tennessee Senator Howard Baker characterized Republican fiscal policy as a “riverboat gamble”—where if you lose, you don’t pay up but instead abandon ship, jump overboard, and swim to shore. It is more than 35 years ago since Reagan OMB Director David Stockman said, of the Republican members of congress’s understanding of fiscal policy: “nobody understands these numbers”. I say it reminds me of fratboys who haven’t done the reading winging it in a budget simulation course.

And I do find myself resenting former Bush CEA Chairs Eddie Lazear’s and Glenn Hubbard’s endorsements of this “unworkable mess”, in the words of their colleague Greg Mankiw. They owe the country better:

Paul Krugman: Tax Cuts, Growth, and Leprechauns: “The Tax Policy Center released its macroeconomic analysis of the House tax cut bill…

…TPC is not impressed: their model says that GDP would be only 0.3 percent higher than baseline in 2027, and that revenue effects of this growth would make only a tiny dent in the deficit. But… focusing on GDP is itself misleading, because we’re a financially open economy with a lot of foreign ownership already, and a large part of the alleged benefit of corporate tax cuts is that they will supposedly draw in lots of foreign investment…. I’ve been trying a back-of-the-envelope estimate of the difference leprechaun economics (so named because Ireland is the ultimate example of a country where national income is much less than GDP, because of foreign corporations) makes to the analysis…. For 2027 I get $60 billion in reduced GNI relative to GDP… 0.2% of GDP.

Remember, TPC estimates the extra growth in GDP at 0.3%. So according to the back of my envelope, leprechaun economics—extra payments to foreigners—basically wipe out all of that growth. And let me say that I am not entirely clear, given this result, why there should be any dynamic revenue gains. Given how scrupulous TPC normally is, they probably have an answer. But as far as I can see there’s no obvious reason to believe that dynamic scoring helps the tax cut case at all, not even a little bit. I’m sure that people can improve on my back-of-the-envelope here. But for now, it looks to me as if, properly counted, these tax cuts would do nothing for growth.

Must-Read: Martin Wolf: A Republican tax plan built for plutocrats

Must-Read: I remember when Martin Wolf was the very smart, very reality based, but very sincere and committed Tory. (He would probably say that he still is such.) Yet now his shrillness is up to 11 on the 10-point Krugman scale…

And the owl was once the baker’s daughter:

Martin Wolf: A Republican tax plan built for plutocrats: “How does a political party dedicated to the material interests of the top 0.1 per cent of the income distribution win and hold power in a universal suffrage democracy?…

…That is the challenge confronting the Republican party. The answer it has found is “pluto-populism”. This is a politically successful, but dangerous, strategy… [that has] brought Donald Trump to the presidency. His failure might bring someone more dangerous, more determined, to power. This matters to the US and, given its power, to the wider world…. About 45 per cent of the tax reductions in 2027 would go to households with incomes above $500,000…. This simply is reform for plutocrats…. The bill might also increase the cumulative fiscal deficit by about $1.5tn over the coming decade…. In all, then, this is a determined effort to shift resources from the bottom, middle and even upper middle of the US income distribution towards the very top, combined with big increases in economic insecurity for the great majority.

How, one must ask, has a party with such objectives successfully gained power?… Find intellectuals who argue that everybody will benefit from policies ostensibly benefiting so few…. Second… abuse the law… give wealth the overriding role in politics… suppress the votes of people likely to vote against plutocratic interests, or even disenfranchise them…. Third… foment cultural and ethnic splits… the “Southern strategy”…. Yet this is too limited a view of the strategy.

More interesting is the echo of the antebellum South itself. The pre-civil war South was extremely unequal, not just in the population as a whole, which included the slaves, but even among free whites…. Peter Lindert and Jeffrey Williamson note, “Any historian looking for the rise of a poor white underclass in the Old South will find it in this evidence.” The 1860 census also shows that the median wealth of the richest 1 per cent of Southerners was more than three times that of the richest 1 per cent of Northerners. Yet the South was also far less dynamic. The South was a plutocracy. In the civil war, whose stated aim was defence of slavery, close to 300,000 Confederate soldiers died. A majority of these men had no slaves. Yet their racial and cultural fears justified the sacrifice. Ultimately, this mobilisation brought death or defeat upon them all. Nothing better reveals the political potency of identity.

A not dissimilar threat arises for today’s plutocrats. The economics and politics of pluto-populism have stoked cultural, ethnic and nationalist anger in the party’s base…. If the current tax bills get through, the tensions within the US are almost certain to get worse. Latin American inequality leads to Latin American politics. The US the world once knew is drowning in a tide of unconscionable and apparently unlimited greed. We are all now doomed to live with the unhappy consequences.

As I said yesterday: Eddie Lazear, Glenn Hubbard, what do you imagine that you are doing?

You Just Cannot Be an Honest Neoclassical Economist and Make the Trumpublican Tax “Reform” a Winner for U.S. National Income Growth…

…or, especially, after-tax real median growth. Or even 2%-ile income growth. Let alone well-being after cuts in public services.

You just can’t.

It doesn’t add up at any level. As a matter of arithmetic…

Just too much of existing capital income flows to foreigners. Too much of extra production generated by a capital inflow would be credited to foreigners. And domestic savings supply is relatively inelastic. Even if you put both hands on the scale and lean hard, it just doesn’t work, even without noting how much of payments to capital are monopoly rents and payments to other forms of capital that are not interest sensitive…

And Paul Krugman has been on fire this fall:

Figure 2 Accurate Diagram

(Plus the salmon (on my machine) rectangle, minus the… what color is that? (on my machine) brownish-gold rectangle—that’s the long-run change in U.S. national income from a budget neutral tax “reform” like that Trumpublicans are proposing. The effects of a deficit-increasing one are… less favorable.)

Krugman this fall:

  • (2017-10-05) Paul Krugman: The Transfer Problem and Tax Incidence: “Assuming I’ve done the algebra right, I get a rate of convergence of .059–that is, about 6 percent of the deviation from the long run eliminated each year. That’s pretty slow: it will take a dozen years to achieve even half the adjustment to the long run. What this says to me is that openness to world capital markets makes a lot less difference to tax incidence than people seem to think in the short run, and even in the medium run…”

  • (2017-10-21) Paul Krugman: Some Misleading Geometry on Corporate Taxes: “What’s wrong with this picture?… Four reasons I can think of…. A lot of what we tax with the corporate profits tax is… monopoly profits and other kinds of rents…. Capital mobility is far from perfect…. The US isn’t a small open economy…. Finally… capital inflows… have to be created by a temporarily overvalued real exchange rate… meaning very big trade deficits, meaning a strongly overvalued dollar…”

  • (2017-10-24) Paul Krugman: The Simple and Misleading Analytics of a Corporate Tax Cut: “The claim here is that the wage gains from a corporate tax cut exceed the revenue loss by a ratio that depends only on the initial tax rate, not at all on the degree to which capital can be substituted for labor, which in turn should (in this model) determine how much additional capital is drawn in by the tax cut. This feels wrong–and it is…”

  • (2017-10-25) Paul Krugan: Trump’s $700 Billion Foreign Aid Program: “A simple point, but one everyone—myself included—somehow missed: the Trump tax plan is a huge giveaway to foreigners. Among other things, this means that the tax plan almost certainly reduces U.S. welfare even if you ignore distributional issues…”

  • (2017-10-29) Pul Krugman: Tax Cut Fraudulence: The Usual Suspects: “A revival of some more traditional, Bush-era fraudulence…. In particular: First, the claim that the rich pay practically all the taxes, so that of course they have to get the bulk of the tax cut. Second, claims of vast growth, because Reagan…”

  • (2017-11-01) Paul Krugman: The Gravelle Geardown: “Why does Gravelle-type analysis ‘gear down’ the wage effects of lower corporate taxes so much?…. Four reasons, three of which are conceptually easy…. First, a lot of the profits we tax are rents…. Second, corporate capital is only part of the U.S. capital stock; half of fixed assets are residential, and a lot of the rest isn’t corporate…. Third, America isn’t small…. Finally, and this is the one that I find takes some work, we’re very far from having perfectly integrated markets for goods and services…. So how great an idea is cutting corporate taxes? About as great as Dow 36,000…”

  • (2017-11-08) Paul Krugman: Leprechaun Economics and Neo-Lafferism: “Not incidentally, Kevin Hassett appears to be confused about the economics here, imagining that a paper reduction in the US trade deficit due to changes in transfer pricing would bring in real jobs. It wouldn’t. There are really two bottom lines…. The true growth impacts of Cut Cut Cut would be even more pathetic than the numbers you’ve been hearing. The other is that if you’re going to make international capital flows central to your arguments, you really need to think about the implications for future investment income…”

  • (2017-11-09) Paul Krugman: Leprechaun Economics, With Numbers: “The TF model… I don’t believe for a minute…. Tax Foundation asserts that capital inflows will be enough to raise GDP more than 3%, which is wildly implausible. But let’s go with it…. The true gain to the US is 1.05%, not 3.45%. That’s a big difference, and not in a good way…. Even if you believe the whole ‘we’re a small open economy so capital will come flooding in’ argument, it buys you a lot less economic optimism than its proponents imagine…”

  • (2017-11-11) Paul Krugman: The Tax Foundation Has Some Explaining To Do: “I’m hearing from various sources that the Tax Foundation’s assessment of the Senate plan… is actually having an impact on debate in Washington. So we need to talk about TF’s model…. During… large-scale capital inflow, you must have correspondingly large trade deficits…. Second… foreigners aren’t investing in America for their health…. Most of any gain in GDP accrues to foreigners, not U.S. national income. So how does the TF model deal with these issues? They have never provided full documentation (which is in itself a bad sign), but the answer appears to be—it doesn’t…”

  • (2017-11-14) Paul Krugman: Tax Cuts And The Trade Deficit: “If you believe the TF analysis, you also have to believe that the Senate bill would lead to enormous trade deficits—and massive loss of manufacturing jobs. What would adding $600 billion per year to the trade deficit do?… The U.S. manufacturing sector would be around 20% smaller than it would have been otherwise. How would this happen? Huge capital inflows would drive up the dollar, making U.S. manufacturing much less competitive…”

Republican Politicians, Non-Technocrats, and Technocrats on Tax “Reform” Edition…

How did we get here?

The Republicans Are Huge Liars

First, where are we?

Matthew Yglesias: If the GOP tax plan is so good, why do they lie so much about it?: “Democratic programs may or may not be… good idea[s], [but] the bills they write that they say will expand the provision of social services in the United States really do expand the provision of social services…

…Not so… with the Republican plan…. Trump ran on promising a middle-class tax cut…. At the beginning of the month, Trump was on the same page, saying…. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin made an unambiguous promise that there would be “no absolute tax cut for the upper class”…. Trump went so far as to phone up a group of Senate Democrats to tell them, “My accountant called me and said, ‘You’re going to get killed in this bill.’” This is all a bunch of lies…. Rather than own up to the reversal and defend it on the merits, Trump’s team is now engaging in bizarre deflections….

A telling thing about the cavalcade of lies Republicans are telling about taxes is the party can’t quite get its story straight as to what the policy agenda even is here. They are telling deficit hawks that the bill is fiscally responsible… revenue-neutral in the long term. They’re telling others that… PAYGO… will be suspended, and the bill won’t really lead to the automatic cuts in Medicare and other programs that, by law, will result from its passage. They’re telling some people the middle-class tax hikes written into the Senate bill will never be enacted… the opposite of what they’re telling deficit hawks. So then some Republicans are telling some deficit hawks that the follow-up to the tax bill will be a return to entitlement reform….

The good news—if you’re inclined to see it as good news—is that Trump is a huge liar, so you can always hope it’s someone other than you who’s going to get betrayed…

I guess we are allowed to use the “lie” word now, are we not?

As to how we got here, let me turn the microphone over to Fritz Hollings:

Senator Howard Baker, the majority leader, sat right down there at that first desk and he shrugged his shoulders and said: “This is a riverboat gamble…”

The thing about a “riverboat gamble”, is that if it goes wrong, you tell your counterparty that you need to get the money from your room, and then you jump overboard in the dark and swim to shore.

The time was 1981. Howard Baker was then characterizing the 1981 Reagan tax cut that he was shepherding through the Senate.

It worked—in a “riverboat gamble” sense. As a policy, it was a disaster: no acceleration of economic growth, a significant increase in wealth inequality and degradation of opportunity, and the first of the dollar cycles that devastated America’s manufacturing market share. But the Republican Party was able to swim to shore, collect campaign donations and win seats, and leave the Democrats to pilot the riverboat through the snags.

Ever since, that has been the strategy of the Republican Party: make riverboat gambles. Tell bigger and bigger whoppers about them until they get called to account by the media and by the electorate—and then, with the post-2010 gerrymander and rise of Fox News, by that not general election but primary electorate.

If America is going to remain great, they will have to be called to account. And the only bright future for America is one in which the Republican Party is now on the same slow-motion track to long-term electoral defeat that then-governor Pete Wilson set the California state Republican Party on back two decades ago.

But, in the meantime, here we are, in the cycle of bigger and bigger whoppers. This serves as a good example:

Scott Lemieux: “I Am Sick And Tired Of People Saying That Utah Does Not Share A Border With Belgium”: “At the Senate Finance Committee…

…Sherrod Brown said some indisputably true things about the Republican plan to increase taxes on many non-affluent people to massively cut taxes for the extremely affluent:

I think it would be nice just tonight to just acknowledge that this tax cut is really not for the middle class; it’s for the rich. And that whole thing about higher wages, well, it’s a good selling point, but we know companies don’t just give higher wages—they don’t just give away higher wages just because they have more money. Corporations are sitting on a lot of money. They are sitting on a lot of profits now—I don’t see wages going up…

In response, Orrin Hatch said something indisputably irrelevant:

I come from the poor people, and I have been here working my whole stinking career for people who don’t have a chance, and I really resent anybody who says I’m just doing this for the rich—give me a break. Listen I have honored you by allowing you to spout off here, and what you’ve said is not right…. I come from the lower middle class originally. We didn’t have anything, so don’t spew that stuff on me. I get a little tired of crap…

It’s worth watching the video at the link; the pitch of furious indignation Hatch works himself into because someone pointed out that a tax cut for the rich is a tax cut for the rich is striking. And note that he does not say anything substantive about the bill, because he can’t—he talks about his background. I believe this is what we call a tell. No matter how much spittle Hatch emits, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s trying to ram a massive tax cut for the rich paid for on the backs of the poor through Congress…

Are there any economists out there saying that this is, policywise, a good idea? If there are economists of note and reputation who are taking the plunge, the natural place to find them is among the former Republican CEA chairs. So let’s take a look:

  • On the side of reality, we have Alan Greenspan and Greg Mankiw:
    • Alan Greenspan: “Economically, it’s a mistake to deal with sharp reductions in taxes now. We are premature on fiscal expansion, whether it’s tax cuts or expenditure increases. We’ve got to get the debt stabilized before we can even think in those terms…” (Nov 10)

    • Greg Mankiw: “The business tax plan being promoted by President Trump, and its close cousin released by House leadership this week, start with a good idea but then descend into an unworkable mess. Fortunately, the flaws can be fixed, if policymakers are willing to be bold…. O.K., O.K., I know that I have now come a long way from the Trump plan. And I know that, given the dysfunction in Washington, what I am proposing is a political nonstarter right now…” (Nov 3)

  • On the side of silence, we have Ben Bernanke, Harvey Rosen, and Michael Boskin…

  • On Team Riverboat Gambler, we have Eddie Lazear, Glenn Hubbard, and Martin Feldstein:

    • Eddie Lazear: “Will it boost the economy enough to cover most of the revenue cost? And will it help the middle class? The answer to both questions is yes, although some key changes can make achieving these goals likelier…” (Oct 16)

    • Glenn Hubbard: “Economists’ technical fouls of each other on the tax basketball court make good copy. But a hole-in-one of the wage increase the CEA report describes is what should grab the attention of congressional tax writers…” (Nov 6)

    • Martin Feldstein: “I have long been a deficit hawk…. An extra 1.5 trillion dollars of debt…. But I believe the advantages of corporate tax reform outweigh the adverse effects of the relatively small debt increase… raise the capital stock by 5 trillion dollars within a decade, causing annual national income to rise by 500 billion dollars…” (Nov 5)

There are, I believe, three important errors in Feldstein.

First, he says “causing annual national income to rise…” But that is wrong. The right phrase, in his analytical framework, is “causing annual domestic product to rise…” The difference is that a lot of the increase in domestic product he counts on from increased investment is not an increase in the income of Americans, is not an increase in national income. My first reaction was that half of it is an increase in the incomes of foreigners. Paul Krugman’s second reaction was that two thirds of it is an increase in the incomes of foreigners. Long experience has taught me that, whenever I disagree with Paul, he is probably right.

If Paul is wrong, the effect of this first error is to lower the assessment of the boost to Americans’ annual incomes from 500 billion to 170 billion dollars.

The second error is that Feldstein assumes that the tax cut on already built and installed capital is 100% a cut that flows out of the Treasury and into Americans’ pockets. It doesn’t. Steve Rosenthal estimates that 70 billion dollars of it flows into foreigners’ pockets each year. The effect of this second error is to further lower the assessment of the boost from 170 down to 100 billion dollars a year.

The third error is that Feldstein’s calculation assumes that the bill is deficit neutral, and thus that the 200 billion dollars a year in extra corporate retained earnings it produces is free to be devoted to increased corporate investment without countervailing factors. But, later on, he notes that the proposal involves “an extra 1.5 trillion dollars of debt” over the next decade. That is a subtraction from the funds available for investment. Remove that 10% return on the investment displaced from national income, and so we are down not to 170 billion dollars but to -50 billion dollars as the annual change in national income.

And, of course, not all of extra retained earnings will go to boosting investment. If we trust the CEO Council event that led to White House advisor Gary Cohn “ask[ing] sheepishly, ‘Why aren’t the other hands up?’”, A bunch will go to stock buybacks. A bunch will go to cash hoards and acquisitions. Some will not flow into retained earnings at all but go to dividends. Those wealth flows will boost elite consumption, rather than investment.

We are definitely in minus territory for economic growth here. And we are definitely in minus territory even without noting that Feldstein’s framework is already pretty far on the optimistic side as far as the economic benefits of low capital taxation are concerned. As Matthew Yglesias noted, you might get such a boost from:

a tax plan that was specifically designed to reduce taxation of new investments…. But most corporate profits are… the result of activities undertaken in the past…. A broad cut… is a windfall for what in tax policy jargon is called “old capital,” as well as for monopoly and quasi-monopoly rents and various other things that have nothing to do with incentivizing new investment…

And if we do note that a corporate tax cut is badly targeted—and a passive passthrough even worse targeted—as an investment incentive, we are in very negative territory as far as likely effects on economic growth are concerned.

And Feldstein’s arguments are the only game in town for supporters of the Trumpublican plans. Lazear, Hubbard, the Tax Foundation where Greg Leiserson has been correcting their modeling are all basically Feldstein with or without various bells and whistles.

Two of eight calling it a “mistake” and an “unworkable mess” is great. Three being quiet is OK—but, Harvey and Mike, ex-CEA chairs do not have the privilege of being silent on important policy questions and, Ben, although perhaps it would be better if ex-Fed chairs were to restrict their comments to monetary and financial policy, there is no such rule in operation.

But three offering support, even qualified support, is disappointing. I realize it is asking a lot to ask people who have spent their lives playing for Team Republican to cross the aisle—especially since they (rightly) believe that their principal societal value as is moderating technocratic voices within the Republican Party’s internal discussions, and they fear (rightly) that they put that at risk by failing to support the Republican Party’s legislative priorities. Marty gets a pass for having been very brave in stressing the dangers of the riverboat gambles in the early 1980s.

But may I please ask Glenn and Eddie to come over to the side of technocracy here?

Must-Read: Martin Sandbu: Who should govern the euro?

Must-Read: Martin Sandbu: Who should govern the euro?: “I have long argued against further centralisation of fiscal and structural policies, and proposed that some autonomy should instead be returned to the national level…

…First, policies must respond to the real differences in policy preferences and economic conditions between countries…. Second, we can learn from diversity…. Think of how influential Germany’s Hartz reforms or Denmark’s “flexicurity” model have been…. Third, even where there is a case for centralised decision making, it is politically dangerous to introduce it without broad popular support…. That some economic policy power should be re-devolved does not mean every country should do its own thing. There are often good reasons to harmonise policy, but this can usefully be done by pioneering “coalitions of the willing” that leave the door open for others to join later. We should add that there are some areas where it does make sense to pool sovereignty further—defining the corporate tax base jointly to avoid tax avoidance is the prime example….

This leaves the governance of “the euro” itself…. The ECB has much less control over the currency even in the most basic sense than it should. Most of the money supply… is not created by the central bank but by the (largely private) banking system as it lends…. The central bank has little grip on the growth—and, in a crisis, contraction—of the amount of money in the economy…. The money-creation process is particularly chaotic when banking regulation differs between countries…. It is necessary to shift powers to supervise, regulate and, in the last instance, resolve and restructure banks to the central level….

In fiscal and structural policy, governance should return autonomy to national governments. In monetary matters, centralisation should go much further and take over more powers not just from states, but from banks.

Tax legislation is no place for paid family leave

Elena Tenenbaum kisses her eight-week-old baby Zoe at their home in Providence, Rhode Island. Tenenbaum has been able to use Rhode Island’s paid family leave program, which started in 2014 and covers four weeks of partial pay.

It’s no secret that the United States is the only developed nation that does not have any legal right for employees to take paid leave. Given the urgency of the problem, it’s encouraging to see policymakers on both sides of the aisle on Capitol Hill put forth proposals for paid family leave. But a federal policy that truly helps families across the income spectrum requires careful deliberation and design. That’s why tacking on a paid family leave provision to the tax legislation now before Congress will do little to help the families that need it most.

The purpose of paid family and medical leave is to provide workers with at least some of their regular paycheck when they need to be at home to care for a new child, care for an ill family member, or recover from serious illness. These are times when we need to focus on families’ health and well-being, and when we shouldn’t have additional money worries. When an aging parent takes a fall or when a new child comes into the family, the last thing a family needs is to face the stark choice of caring or earning—the family needs both.

To address this need, a number of policy proposals are being considered on Capitol Hill. One of these proposals is based on the Strong Families Act of 2017, introduced by Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE), which would provide a tax credit to employers who provide family and medical leave. A version of this proposal is included in the tax bill reported out of the Senate Finance Committee last week. The proposal would give employers a tax credit of up to 25 percent of the wages paid to employees while they are on family or medical leave.

While the intention is good, the evidence we have available shows that this will likely do little to solve the problem. The evidence instead shows that it’s unlikely to increase access to paid leave for workers in any meaningful or widespread way. Rather than incentivizing new firms to change their family and medical leave policies, the tax credit will most likely benefit the firms that already offer this paid benefit—firms that tend to be large, higher-paying, and would offer paid leave even without the tax subsidy.

This is especially troubling because only 6 percent of low-wage workers have access to paid family leave, compared to 13 percent of private-sector workers overall. This means that neither the gap in access to paid leave between high- and low-wage workers nor the gap across firms is likely to close as a result of this policy. Those workers who need it most aren’t likely to benefit.

Furthermore, a tax credit such as the one proposed in the legislation will be a large cost for employers compared to relying on a social insurance program modeled on state programs. In the three states that have implemented paid family leave, the program is paid for by a small tax only on employees. Under the proposed tax credit now before the full Senate, firms must pay 75 percent or more of their employees’ wages to qualify for the benefit. If a firm has many employees that need leave in a given year, for example, then it could be devastating to these businesses’ bottom lines. A social insurance program, however, requires a small cost every year, smoothing the expenses year to year, and unlike temporary disability, there isn’t an insurance market for paid leave to help employers smooth this expense should they want to go that route.

These viewpoints are shared among scholars across the political spectrum. Over the past year, I have participated in a working group led by the American Enterprise Institute and The Brookings Institution on how to develop a paid family leave program. Our conclusion, after looking at the available evidence, is that tax credits are not the way to go. As one conservative working group member put it, “there is no convincing evidence that they would effectively expand access to paid family leave for low-income workers.”

Instead, policymakers should look to a proven model in our own backyard: the states. California, New Jersey, and Rhode Island have successfully enacted their own paid leave programs, with New York state, Washington state, and the District of Columbia set to join them soon. A great deal of research speaks to the success of these state social insurance-based programs, proving that a well-designed national paid leave system can be beneficial to families, businesses, and the economy.

If we are going to enact paid family leave, let’s enact a program that we know can work. A new tax credit is not the right way to enact paid leave.

Should-Read: Peter Lindert: The rise and future of progressive redistribution

Should-Read: Peter Lindert: The rise and future of progressive redistribution: “There has been a blossoming of research into fiscal incidence by income class…

…This column combines century-long histories for Britain and South American countries with previous research to offer a global history of government income redistribution. Contrary to some allegations, the shift towards progressivity in government budgets over the last 100 years has not been reversed since the 1970s. The rise in inequality since the 1970s therefore appears to owe nothing to a net shift government redistribution toward the rich…

Should-Read: Jo Mitchell: Dilettantes Shouldn’t Get Excited

Should-Read: Jo Mitchell: Dilettantes Shouldn’t Get Excited: “The Freshwater version of the model concluded that all government policy has no effect and that any changes are driven by an unexplained residual…

…The more moderate Saltwater version, with added Calvo fairy, allowed a rediscovery of Milton Friedman’s main results: an expectations-augmented Phillips Curve and short-run demand effects from monetary policy. The model has two basic equations….

The first… aggregate demand… based on an… assumption about how households behave in response to changes in the rate of interest. Unfortunately, not only does the equation not fit the data, the sign of the main coefficient appears to be wrong. This is likely because, rather than trying to understand the emergent properties of many interacting agents, modellers took the short-cut of assuming that the one big person assumed to represent the economy would simply replicate the behaviour of a single textbook-rational individual—much like assuming that the behaviour of an ant colony would be the same as that of one big textbook ant. It’s hard to see how one can make an argument that this has advanced knowledge beyond what you could glean from a straightforward Keynesian or Modigliani consumption function….

[The second,] the Phillips Curve… appears to have once again broken down….

More complex versions of the model do exist, which purport to capture further stylised macro relationships beyond the standard pair. This is done, however, by adding extra degrees of freedom — justified as essentially arbitrary “frictions” — and  and then over fitting the model to the data. The result is that the models are pretty good at “predicting” the data they are trained on, and hopeless at anything else.

30 years of DSGE research have produced exactly one empirically plausible result—the expectations-augmented Phillips Curve. It was already well known. There is an ironic twist here: the breakdown of the Phillips Curve in the 1970s gave the Freshwater economists their breakthrough. The breakdown of the Phillips Curve now—in the other direction—leaves DSGE with precisely zero verifiable achievements.

Christiano et al.’s paper is welcome in one respect. It confirms what macroeconomists at the top of the discipline think about those lower down the academic pecking order — particularly those who take a critical view. They have made public what many of us long suspected was said behind closed doors…

Must-Read: Greg Leiserson: The Tax Foundation’s score of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Must-Read: I think Greg is right here: on their own terms the Tax Foundation’s calculations look to be twice as big as they ought to be—and, as you know, everybody else involved has very large doubts about whether one should take the Tax Foundation’s calculations as proper professional estimates:

Greg Leiserson: The Tax Foundation’s score of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: “First, the Tax Foundation appears to incorrectly model the interaction between federal and state corporate income taxes…

…Second, the Tax Foundation appears to treat the estate tax as a nondeductible annual property tax paid by businesses, which results in inflated estimates of the effect of repealing the tax. Appropriately addressing the issues raised in this note could reduce the Tax Foundation’s estimate of the increase in GDP that would result from the legislation to 1.9 percent—a reduction of roughly half—even if there are no other issues with the Tax Foundation’s estimates…. Critical assessment of the Tax Foundation’s analysis is particularly warranted, as some legislators have suggested that they might consider dynamic scores from organizations other than the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation—the traditional source of nonpartisan estimates of congressional tax proposals—in determining the budgetary effects of the legislation.

This note does not attempt a complete assessment of the Tax Foundation model, which would be impossible without greater knowledge of the equations that make up the model. The criticisms raised in this analysis are based on inspection of publicly available estimates and documentation, as well as communication with Tax Foundation staff…