Afternoon Must-Read: Yael T. Abouhalkah: Brownback’s Tax Cuts Are Not Wooing Jobs to Johnson County
Brownback’s Tax Cuts Are Not Wooing Jobs to Johnson County:
“The mantra from… Brownback…
…to… Johnson County… [was] that his steep income tax cuts, geared toward high earners, would bring a flood of jobs over the state line from Missouri. But… the tax reductions… in 2013… failed to… employment growth to Johnson or Wyandotte counties…. The Missouri side of the region added 8,400 workers on nonfarm payrolls between November 2013 and November 2014… 1.5 percent…. The Kansas side… only 1,900 employees… 0.4 percent. Overall, the metropolitan region grew a paltry 1 percent…. The governor and other true believers need to acknowledge the obvious: Simply slashing taxes is not the way to woo people to Kansas, and especially to Johnson County, where people expect good services…