Afternoon Must-Read: Gernot Wagner: Climate Shock: It’s Not Over ‘Til the Fat Tail Zing

Gernot Wagner: Climate Shock: It’s Not Over ‘Til the Fat Tail Zings: “Presenting his new book ‘Climate Shock’…

…co-authored with Martin Weitzman. If you had a 10 percent chance of having a fatal car accident, you’d take necessary precautions. If your finances had a 10 percent chance of suffering a severe loss, you’d re-evaluate your assets. So if we know the world is warming and there’s a 10 percent chance this might eventually lead to a catastrophe beyond anything we could imagine, why aren’t we doing more about climate change right now? We insure our lives against an uncertain future–why not our planet?…

January 29, 2015

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