Afternoon Must-Read: Jeet Heer: The New Republic’s Legacy on Race: From Du Bois to the Bell Curve

**Jeet Heer**: [The New Republic’s Legacy on Race: From Du Bois to the Bell Curve]( “Between the late ’30s and the mid-’70s…>…*The New Republic* was one of the best magazines outside the black press in its coverage of the rise of the civil rights movement. Thomas Sancton, Sr., managing editor from 1942–1943, was a particularly radical advocate, holding FDR’s feet to the fire for his compromises with the Jim Crow South, and doing brave reporting on the Detroit race riots of 1943…. [But when] the country’s conversation about race turned to more ambiguous debates over busing, affirmative action, and overcoming economic hurdles. The owner who would oversee that new era was Martin Peretz…

January 29, 2015

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