My Equitable Growth “A-List” from the Fall of 2014: Daily Focus

The Financial Times has regrouped, reconfigured, and relaunched what was its , now calling it “Exchange”. When I first saw the title “A-List”, I was envious–it seemed so perfectly right.

So now that it has been abandoned, I am going to pick up the name. I am going to set up my own A-List by asking: what, in my view, was the Washington Center for Equitable Growth’s A-List of people to pay attention to in the fall of 2014? What things I read led me to say “this is a must-read!” and “this is about ‘equitable growth'”?

As with all revealed-preference exercises, there is no thought behind the list. It should, ideally, be combined with a top-down conscious assessment of influence and worth, for both conscious classifications and unconscious emergence can easily lead us astray. But I want to leave that for some future date.

So this is what a look back at my preferences as written in electrons by the “must reads” I have posted at reveals: a list of 101:

My most striking reaction to this emergent list is how many people are not on it. I think everyone on it deserves to be in the top 101. But I also can think of at least three times as many other people who deserves to be in the top 101 as well, as measured by their intelligence, insight, thoughtfulness, and ability to draw me in an keep me awake.

446 words

January 1, 2015

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