Afternoon Must-Read: Amanda KowalskI: The Early Impact of the Affordable Care Act State-By-State

Amanda Kowalski: The Early Impact of the Affordable Care Act State-By-State: “In the individual health insurance market…

…at least 13.2 million people were covered in the second quarter of 2014, representing an increase of at least 4.2 million increase beyond pre-ACA state-level trends…. Market participants in ‘direct enforcement; states that ceded all enforcement of the ACA to the federal government are worse off by approximately $245 per participant on an annualized basis relative to participants in all other states…. Market participants in the six states that had severe exchange glitches are worse off by approximately $750 per participant on an annualized basis relative to participants in other states with their own exchanges…

September 11, 2014

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