Lunchtime Must-Read: James Pethokoukis: Does the GOP Have a Policy or a Messaging Problem? Both
James Pethokoukis: Does the GOP Have a Policy or a Messaging Problem? Both “Byron York…. ‘The reformers face resistance…
not just from the corners of the conservative world that disagree with them on taxes, immigration, and other, perhaps lesser issues. They are also under attack from those in the Republican establishment who see no need to reevaluate GOP policies. According to this faction, the party doesn’t have a policy problem; it has a messaging problem.
Obviously I think the GOP has a policy problem. But that aside, Rs should not underestimate just how bad their messaging problem is…. GlobalStrategyGroup…. While voters by a huge margin prefer candidates focused on ‘more economic growth’ versus ‘less income inequality’, voters also think… raising the minimum wage and guaranteeing a minimum wage–are better for growth than business tax cuts or reducing top marginal income tax rates…. And… voters seem to have a much broader view of what policies qualify as ‘pro-growth’. Whatever the economic argument the GOP is making, the party does not seem to be making it very well.