The June Household Employment Report: Morning Comment

Attention Conservation:

  • The labor market over the past year: good cyclical news
  • The labor market over the past year: a structural disaster for economic potential
  • A further 0.7%-pt decline in participation of which demography only generates 1/4.
Employment Situation Summary Table A Household data seasonally adjusted

2.1 million more adults employed than there were a year ago. A labor force smaller by 100,000 then a year ago. 2.4 million more adults not in the labor force than a year ago.

From the viewpoint of the cyclical recovery, the labor market over the past year is a small plus: the civilian employment to adult population ratio is up by 0.3%-points.

From the viewpoint of the long-run structural health of the US economy’s potential output and ability to mobilize our resources, the labor market over the past year is a disaster: a further 0.7%-point decline in the participation rate when demography would meet us to expect the decline only one quarter as large as the baby boom generation ages into retirement.

July 3, 2014

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