Understanding support for new forms of labor representation (Invitation only)
The Washington Center for Equitable Growth hosted a seminar for Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, assistant professor of international and public affairs at Columbia University and Equitable Growth grantee. Hertel-Fernandez presented new research examining worker and management preferences for specific aspects of labor organization. This research, based on original survey data, seeks to better understand what workers want from labor organizations, including traditional unions but also alternatives being debated now and present in other countries, and how employee preferences differ across industries and occupations. Learn more about Alexander Hertel-Fernandez and his research here.
This event was an installment of our monthly academic seminar series, which aims to elevate important new research on issues related to whether and how economic inequality impacts economic growth. It was hosted at our offices in Washington, DC.
For questions, please contact events@equitablegrowth.org.
1156 15th St NW, Washington, DC, USA
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