Lunchtime Must-Read: Bryan Covert: Here’s Why We Know The Gender Wage Gap Really Does Exist

Bryan Covert: Here’s Why We Know The Gender Wage Gap Really Does Exist: “Here’s why we know there is still an unfair difference between what women and men make:

Women earn less when they get the same education. The first year out of college… women make less than men… even when factors such as schools, grades, majors, and others are taken into account…. Women earn less in virtually every job… category tracked by the Bureau of Labor Statistics…. Women earn less thanks to discrimination…. Not all of the gap is due to discrimination…. Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn found that while experience, occupation, and industry explain much of the gap, there is still more than 40 percent of it that remains unexplained…. Women earn less when they balance children and careers…. Our country is also unique in making it difficult for both parents to remain in the workforce…. Paid leave and affordable, consistent child care help boost women’s wages. The choice to be a caretaker may not always be such a free choice….

April 8, 2014

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