Over at Grasping Reality: Social Insurance: Veronica Pollack Responds to an internet Heckler

Over at Grasping Reality: Weekend Reading: Social Insurance: Veronica Pollack Responds to an internet Heckler: Apropos of Social Insurance, Harold Pollack, and His Brother-in-Law Vincent……

Harold Pollack: Veronica Pollack responds to an internet heckler: “I wrote an op-ed in Thursday’s Chicago’s Sun Times about the impact of Illinois’s budget crisis on services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities…

…A gentleman with initials ‘J.K.’ read it, and sent me the below email:

Veronica Pollack responds to an internet heckler

My wife Veronica happened to see it, and composed the below response, which I am posting below. READ MOAR

August 15, 2015

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