Over at Grasping Reality: Ta-Nehisi Coates: Today’s Economic History: ‘I Have Since Heard of His Death’–Frederick Douglass on One of His Slavemasters
Over at Grasping Reality: Today’s Economic History: ‘I Have Since Heard of His Death’–Frederick Douglass on One of His Slavemasters: “Frederick Douglass’s initial attempt to escape bondage failed…
:He was put up in the jail, where he was daily visited by slave-traders who inspected him, mocked him and joked about how much money they could make selling him down South… effectively considered a death sentence among the slaves in the border states…. In his final autobiography, he is clear that slave-holder law (unjust as it was) should have condemned him South. And for all his fulminating against slavery, he is oddly, humanly, grateful to his master. This is perhaps the most interesting thread in The Life And Times Of Frederick Douglass–a complete and total sense that slavery is utterly unjust, and yet an affection for those who beat him, enslaved him, and pilfered his labor… READ MOAR