Must-Read: Elizabeth U. Cascio and Ayushi Narayan: Who Needs a Fracking Education?: The Educational Response to Low-Skill Biased Technological Change

**Must-Read:Elizabeth U. Cascio and Ayushi Narayan**: [Who Needs a Fracking Education?: The Educational Response to Low-Skill Biased Technological Change]( “We explore the educational response to fracking…

>…taking advantage of the timing of its widespread introduction and the spatial variation in shale oil and gas reserves. We show that local labor demand shocks from fracking have been biased toward low-skilled labor and males, reducing the return to high school completion among men. We also show that fracking has increased high school dropout rates of male teens, both overall and relative to females. Our estimates imply that, absent fracking, the male-female gap in high school dropout rates among 17- to 18-year-olds would have narrowed by about 11% between 2000 and 2013 instead of remaining unchanged. Our estimates also imply an elasticity of high school completion with respect to the return to high school of 0.47, a figure below historical estimates. Explanations for our findings aside from fracking’s low-skill bias – changes in school inputs, population demographics, and resource prices – receive less empirical support.

August 11, 2015

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