Noted for Your Lunchtime Procrastination for July 17, 2015
- Must-Read: Hottest June Puts 2015 on Track for Hottest Year on Record by Far :
- Must-Read: Alice In Schäuble-Land: Where Rules Mean What Wolfgang Says They Mean :
- Wagner and Weitzman have some policy recommendations, including electricity-grid reform and higher gas taxes. But the real power of their book is its explanation of the right way to think about climate change. Do we really want to take an 11 percent gamble with the planet? :
- I didn’t make the connection explicitly, but yesterday’s piece on “Why Web Pages Suck” was different angle on the issues raised by “Publishers and the Smiling Curve”. Another way to think about the effects of modularizing previously integrated parts of the value chain is that the curve has been inverted: publishers and other middle men used to be king of the hill; not so much anymore… :
- Must-Read: Effective Policy for Reducing Inequality? The Earned Income Tax Credit and the Distribution of Income :
- “It’s uncontroversial [that Greek debt relief is necessary]. I don’t think anyone has ever disputed that. The question is what form this takes within our framework. I think we should focus on this point in the coming weeks…” :
- Monday Morning at the Wagners :
- Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute :
- Top CEO Compensation Soars, and Why We Do Not Look at “Average CEOs” :
- Must-Read: The Economist explains: How inequality Affects Growth :
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- :
- Jade Helm works so I don’t have to take my passport when I go home to Dallas anymore. It will take adjusting, but omelets, eggs, etc…” :
- Front Page: Jan. 1, 1000 — WSJ Interactive Edition
- The Ghost of Cornel West :
- “Much as I might complain about Israel’s hold on US policy (ever so slightly diminishing of late), I suppose I’m thankful that I live in a country where being against Israel means being allied with basically reasonable Muslims and lefties and not… Christ, I had no idea this was going on…. It requires some kind of engagement from the French government.” :