Must-Read: Miranda Dietz: Are California Employers Dropping Health Insurance for Part-Time Workers?

Must-Read: Miranda Dietz: Are California Employers Dropping Health Insurance for Part-Time Workers? | Are California Employers Dropping Spousal Coverage or Limiting Eligibility for Health Insurance? | Are California Employers Cutting Hours to Avoid Providing Health Benefits?: “Data from California indicate that the most pronounced declines in coverage…

…offers to part-timers are not among large corporations, but among very small firms… a significant decline in coverage for part-time workers at firms with three to nine workers. These firms are the least likely to offer coverage to part-timers, but in 2012 some 30 percent of them did. By 2014, the share had dropped to just 9 percent. The trends for medium and large firms, however, appear to be roughly flat.

June 19, 2015

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