Things to Read on the Morning of April 28, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- Must-Read: The Political Roots of Widening Inequality :
- “VP Joe Biden stood up in front of a bunch of Hollywood execs and promised to appoint a copyright czar, and furthermore, that this would be the ‘right’ person to protect their interests. I would have voted Dem in the last election, if I got a vote, but make no mistakes: the Dems are the party of stupid copyright laws. From Hollywood Howard Berman on down, they’ve got a terrible track record on technology and copyright policy…” (2009):
- Must-Read: The Euro Area’s Debt Hangover :
- Must-Read: Debating the Confidence Fairy :
- Must-Read: Most developed countries’ central banks :
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership Is Unlikely to Be a Good Deal for American Workers :
Here at Equitable Growth—The Equitablog
- The problem of too much stuff sloshing around the global economy :
- New John Bates Clark winner Roland Fryer takes policy-relevant research very seriously :
- Breaking down the decline in the U.S. labor share of income :
- Determining the optimal U.S. tax rate for higher earners :
- Monopsony and market power in the labor market :
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- Nobody Famous :
- “These permanently-hypothetical embraces of political violence are just a way to separate oneself from the squishes in a way that’s particularly flattering to a certain self-conception. It’s t-shirt radicalism. At its worst, it comes wrapped in the kind of goonish drama-club machismo that I most often find in liberals when they support ‘humanitarian intervention,’ pleased that they finally get to be the ones calling for more bloodshed. Consider the stakes. Consider how much skin you yourself have in the game. At some point, the self-impressed peacocking on social media stops being about the protesters in Baltimore and starts being all about you. Maybe you should slow down and consider the vulgarity of that situation…” :