Assessing the Affordable Care Act

Anybody get to this? What was said that was unexpected?

Assessing the Affordable Care Act’s efficacy, implementation, and policy implications five years later | Brookings Institution:

April 14, 2015 :: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT :: Brookings Institution
Washington, DC

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), most commonly known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is one of the most important pieces of legislation enacted into law and implemented by the federal government in a generation. The ACA is also one of the most complex and comprehensive efforts to reform the American health care system and reduce costs. Now that the ACA is five years old, how successful has the law been in meeting its primary goals? What has been its efficacy in transforming American health care? What have been the major outcomes and unintended consequences? And what might the future hold for this law, given today’s political environment and a pending, major U.S. Supreme Court decision that could determine the ACA’s fate? On April 14, Governance Studies at Brookings will host a forum to examine the ACA five years after its passage…

April 13, 2015

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