Live from Evans Hall: When I arrived at 506 Evans Hall for this morning’s workshop, this book was on the seminar table looking at me.
I think the ghost of John Hicks is weighing in on the inadequacy of Hicks (1937) as the thing you need to know to do policy-relevant macro with success…
Apropos of:
- Brad DeLong: New Economic Thinking, Hicks-Hansen-Wicksell Macro, and Blocking the Back Propagation Induction-Unraveling from the Long Run Omega Point: The Honest Broker for the Week of May 31, 2015 – Washington Center for Equitable Growth
- Paul Krugman: Backward Induction and Brad DeLong
- Brad DeLong: Paul Krugman Was Right. I, Ken Rogoff, Marty Feldstein, and Many, Many Others Were Wrong