Social Credit and “Neutral” Monetary Policies: A Rant on “Helicopter Money” and “Monetary Neutrality”

Must-Read: Badly-intentioned or incompetent policymakers can mess up any system of macroeconomic regulation. And we now have two centuries of history of demand-driven business cycles in industrial and post-industrial economies to teach us that there is no perfect, automatic self-regulating way to organize the economy at the macroeconomic level.

Over and over again, the grifters, charlatans, and cranks ask: “Why doesn’t the central bank simply adopt the rule of setting a “neutral” monetary policy? In fact, why not replace the central bank completely with an automatic system that would do the job?”

Over the decades many have promised easy definitions of “neutrality”, along with rules-of-thumb for maintaining it. All had their day:

  • advocates of the gold standard,
  • believers in a stable monetary base,
  • devotees of a constant growth rate for the (narrowly defined) supply of money;
  • believers in a constant growth rate for broad money and credit aggregates;
  • various “Taylor rules”.

And the answer, of course, is that by now centuries of painful experience have taught central bankers one thing: All advocates, wittingly or unwittingly, were simply selling snake oil. All such “automatic” rules and systems have been tried and found wanting.

It is a fact that all such rule-based central bank policies and all such so-called automatic systems have fallen down on the job. They have failed to properly manage “the” interest rate to set aggregate demand equal to potential output and balance the supply of whatever at that moment counts as “money”, in whatever the operative sense of “money” is at that moment, to the demand for it.

Nudging interest rates to the level at which investment equals savings at full employment is what a properly “neutral” monetary policy really is.

Things are complicated, most importantly, by the fact that the business-cycle patterns of one generation are never likely to apply to the next. Consider: At any moment in the past century, the macroeconomic rules-of-thumb and models of economies’ business-cycle behavior that had dominated forty, thirty, even twenty years before–the ones taught then to undergraduates, assumed as the background for op-eds, and including in the talking points of politicians whose aides wanted them to sound intelligent in answer to the first question and fuzz the answer to the follow-up before ducking away. We can now see that, for fifteen years now, central banks have been well behind the curve in their failure to recognize that the business-cycle pattern of the first post-World War II generations has definitely come to an end. The models and approaches developed to understand the small size of the post-WWII generation’s cycle and its bias toward moderate inflation are wrong today–and are worse than useless because they propagate error.

And this should not come as a surprise. Before World War I there were the truths of the gold standard and its positive effect on “confidence”–the ability of that monetary system to, as Alfred and Mary Marshall put it back in 1885, induce:

confidence [to] return, touch all industries with her magic wand, and make them continue their production and their demand for the wares of others…

and so restore prosperity.

Yet those doctrines proved unhelpful and destructive to economies trying to deal with the environment of the 1920s and 1930s.

Those scarred by the 1970s have, ever since, been always certain that another outbreak of inflation was on the way. They have been certain that central bankers need to be, first of all, hard-nosed men. And so those scarred missed the great tech and stock booms of the end of the first millennium. Their advice was bad then. It is bad now.

More recently, there were those who drew the lesson from the twenty years starting in the mid-1980s that central bankers had finally learned enough to be able to manage an economy to keep the business cycle small–the so-called “Great Moderation”. They were completely unready for 2007-9. And they have had little or nothing useful to say since. Their advice was bad then. It is bad now.

And looking back at this history, right now the odds must be heavy indeed that people are barking up the wrong tree when they, today, fixate on the need for higher interest rates to fight the growth of bubbles. Or when they, today, talk about the danger that central bankers will be unable to resist pressure from elected governments to finance substantial government expenditures via the inflation tax.

The cross-era successes of macroeconomic theory as relevant to policy have been very limited. The principles that have managed to remain true enough to be useful across eras take the form of principles of modesty:

  1. There is the Mill-Fisher insight: We should look closely at the demand for and supply of liquid cash money, because a large excess demand for cash is likely to trigger a large demand shortfall of currently-produced goods and services. But Milton Friedman and others’ attempts to turn this into a rigid mechanical forecasting rule and a rigid mechanical k%/year money-growth policy recommendation blew up in their face.

  2. There is the Wicksell-Keynes insight: We should look closely at the supply of savings and the demand for finance to fund investment. But, again, Walter Heller’s and others’ attempts to turn this into a model that could then be used to guide fine tunings of policy blew up in their face.

  3. There are the Bagehot-Minsky insights: The insights about leverage, debt, and the macro economic consequences of sudden psychological phase transitions of assets from from rock-solid to highly-risky. But so far nobody in the Bagehot-Minsky tradition has even tried to construct a counterpart to the mechanical Keynesianism of the 1960s or the mechanical monetarism of the 1980s.

And by now this has become far too long to be a mere introduction to one of today’s must-reads: the very sharp Adair Turner:

Adair Turner: The Helicopter Money Drop Demands Balance: “Eight years after the 2008 financial crisis…

…the global economy is still stuck…. Money-financed fiscal deficits — more popularly labelled ‘helicopter money’ — seems one of the few policy options left…. The important question is political: can we design rules and responsibilities that ensure monetary finance is only used in appropriate circumstances and quantities?… In the real world… most money is… created… by the banking system… initial stimulus… can be multiplied later by commercial bank credit and money creation… [or] offset by imposing reserve requirements….

The crucial political issue is the danger that once the taboo against monetary finance is broken, governments will print money to support favoured political constituencies, or to overstimulate the economy ahead of elections. But as Ben Bernanke, former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, argued recently, this risk could be controlled by giving independent central banks the authority to determine the maximum quantity of monetary finance….

Can we design a regime that will guard against future excess, and that households, companies and financial markets believe will do so? The answer may turn out to be no: and if so we may be stuck for many more years facing low growth, inflation below target, and rising debt levels. But we should at least debate…

Adair Turner is very sharp. But this is, I think, more-or-less completely wrong: There is no set of institutions that can leap the hurdle that he has set–there never was, and there never will be. But it is madness to say: “Since we cannot find institutions that will guarantee that we follow the right policies, we must keep our particular institutions and policies that force us to adopt the wrong ones.” Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Fix that evil now–with an eye on the future, yes. But don’t tolerate evils today out of fear of the shadows of future evils that are unlikely to come to pass.

Must-read: Adair Turner: “Helicopters on a Leash”

Must-Read: Adair Turner: Helicopters on a Leash: “Opponents can counter with a ‘slippery slope’ argument…

…Only total prohibition [of helicopter money] is a defensible line against political pressure for ever-laxer rules…. In countries with a recent history of excessive monetary finance… that argument could be compelling…. The crucial issue is whether political systems can be trusted to establish and maintain appropriate discipline.

Hamada cites… Korekiyo Takahashi, who used monetary-financed fiscal expansion to pull Japan’s economy out of recession in the early 1930s. Takahashi rightly sought to tighten policy once adequate output and price growth had returned, but was assassinated by militarists…. But Hamada’s inference that this illustrates the inherent dangers of monetary finance is not credible. Continued deflation would also have destroyed Japan’s constitutional system, as it did Germany’s…. Prohibition of monetary finance cannot secure democracy or the rule of law in the face of powerful anti-democratic forces. But disciplined and moderate monetary finance, by combating deflationary dangers, might sometimes help. So, rather than prohibiting it, we should ensure its responsible use. The likely alternative is not no monetary finance, but monetary finance implemented too late and in an undisciplined fashion…

Social credit is the answer

Why is it called: “helicopter money”? Why isn’t it called: “expansionary fiscal policy with monetary support to neutralize any potential crowding-out of private-sector spending”?

Why did Milton Friedman set it forth in his writings as one of the paradigmatic cases of expansionary monetary policy? Why did Ben Bernanke refer to it and so gain his unwanted nickname of “Helicopter Ben”?

In Milton Friedman’s case, I believe that it was a conviction that the LM curve was steep enough and the IS curve flat enough that the fiscal side was fundamentally unimportant–that about the same effects were achieved whether the extra money was introduced into the economy via being dropped from helicopters or via open-market operations. To focus on how open-market operations worked would thus confuse listeners who would then have to think through asset market-equilibrium to no substantive gain in understanding. In Friedman’s view, the entire Tobin analytical tradition, not to mention Wicksell, was largely a distracting waste of time. So why go there?

In the case of Ben Bernanke and of the rest of the participants in today’s debate, I think it is has different causes. I think it is a result of the default Washington-Consensus Great-Moderation assignment of the stabilization-policy role to independent and technocratic central banks. In that paradigm, directly-elected governments are supposed to limit their focus to the “classical” tasks of rightsizing the public sector and adopting an appropriately-prudent long-term government-spending financing plan.

To speak of “expansionary fiscal policy with monetary support to neutralize any potential crowding-out of private-sector spending” is to open a can of worms. To speak of “helicopter money” is to convey the impression that this is the central bank undertaking its proper business, but in a context in which as a result of unfortunate historical accidents of institutional development the independent central bank needs the active support of the directly-elected government. The active support of the directly-elected government is needed undertake what is, after all, a fundamentally monetary policy. And it is, in this line of thinking, a fundamentally monetary policy: Milton Friedman himself said so.

Now comes the extremely-sharp Adair Turner to try to focus the debate in a productive direction.

Many today are unwilling to advocate for more expansionary fiscal policy out of:

  1. a fear that many economies that would find their governments engaging in it lack fiscal space for it to be of much use,
  2. a fear that directly-elected governments allowed to cross the line and engage in open-ended explicitly stabilization policy will not give due weight to the objective of keeping inflation low over the long term, or
  3. a fear that central banks allowed to control fiscal-policy levers will be captured by and use their powers to then take taxpayers’ money and spend it enriching the banking sector.

So what is the solution? How can we build institutions that will:

  1. avoid the Scylla of allowing directly-elected governments that use fiscal levers in support of monetary expansion to enforce fiscal dominance and abandon prudent inflation targets, while also

  2. avoiding the Charybdis of allowing central banks that may well have been partially-captured by their banking sectors of using their powers to spend the taxpayers’ money further enriching the bankers?

The solution is obvious: Social Credit. Adopt the policies of the Social Credit Part of Alberta in the 1930s. Adopt the policies of Upton Sinclair’s campaign for Governor of California in the 1930s. Adopt the policies that are taken as a matter of course and are in the background of Robert A. Heinlein’s 1947 novel Beyond This Horizon.

Central banks should, instead of taking all the revenue from seigniorage they create and transferring it all back to the Treasury, calculate each quarter how much of the seigniorage they hold should be distributed to citizens in the form of that quarter’s helicopter drop.

I am not certain about how the legal-institutional constraints bind the BoJ, and ECB, and the BoE. I believe that the Federal Reserve could start such a policy régime today:

  1. Incorporate–for free–everybody with a Social Security number as a bank holding company.
  2. Let everybody then have their personal bank holding company join–again for free–the Federal Reserve system as a member bank.
  3. Offer every such personal bank holding company a permanent long-term open-ended infinite-duration zero-interest line-of-credit to draw on, up to some set maximum nominal amount.
  4. Raise the amount of the line-of-credit maximum every quarter by that quarter’s desired helicopter drop.

The same institutional forces that have, since the selection Paul Volcker, kept the Federal Reserve focused on avoiding an inflationary spiral would still bind. There would be no way to gimmick such a Social Credit system to turn it into a giveaway to the bankers. It would give the Federal Reserve the power to engage in the one policy that nearly all economists are confident will always have traction on nominal demand. Once the Federal Reserve was off and rolling, other central banks would, I think, quickly find mechanisms within their current institutional-legal competence to accomplish the same ends.

And it would, I think, make the FOMC and its members “very popular”, as Marty Feldman playing Igor in the movie Young Frankensteinsays of the monster they are creating.

Adair Turner: Are Central Banks Really Out of Ammunition?: “The global economy faces a chronic problem of deficient nominal demand…

…But the debate about which policies could boost demand remains inadequate, evasive, and confused. In Shanghai, the G-20 foreign ministers committed to use all available tools – structural, monetary, and fiscal – to boost growth rates and prevent deflation. But many of the key players are keener to point out what they can’t do than what they can….

Central banks frequently stress the limits of their powers, and bemoan lack of government progress toward ‘structural reform’…. But while some [SR measures] might increase potential growth over the long term, almost none can make any difference in growth or inflation rates over the next 1-3 years…. Vague references to ‘structural reform’ should ideally be banned, with everyone forced to specify which particular reforms they are talking about and the timetable for any benefits that are achieved…. Central bankers are right to stress the limits of what monetary policy alone can achieve…. Negative interest rates, and… yet more quantitative easing… can make little difference to real economic consumption and investment. Negative interest rates… [may have the] the actual and perverse consequence… [of] higher lending rates….

Nominal demand will rise only if governments deploy fiscal policy to reduce taxes or increase public expenditure – thereby, in Milton Friedman’s phrase, putting new demand directly ‘into the income stream.’ But the world is full of governments that feel unable to do this. Japan’s finance ministry is convinced that it must reduce its large fiscal deficit…. Eurozone rules mean that many member countries are committed to reducing their deficits. British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne is also determined to reduce, not increase, his country’s deficit. The standard official mantra has therefore become that countries that still have ‘fiscal space’ should use it. But there are no grounds for believing the most obvious candidates – such as Germany – will actually do anything….

These impasses have fueled growing fear that we are ‘out of ammunition’…. But if our problem is inadequate nominal demand, there is one policy that will always work. If governments run larger fiscal deficits and finance this not with interest-bearing debt but with central-bank money…. The option of so-called ‘helicopter money’ is therefore increasingly discussed. But the debate about it is riddled with confusions.

It is often claimed that monetizing fiscal deficits would commit central banks to keeping interest rates low forever, an approach that is bound to produce excessive inflation. It is simultaneously argued (sometimes even by the same people) that monetary financing would not stimulate demand because people will fear a future ‘inflation tax.’
Both assertions cannot be true; in reality, neither is. Very small money-financed deficits would produce only a minimal impact on nominal demand: very large ones would produce harmfully high inflation. Somewhere in the middle there is an optimal policy…. The one really important political issue is ignored: whether we can design rules and allocate institutional responsibilities to ensure that monetary financing is used only in an appropriately moderate and disciplined fashion, or whether the temptation to use it to excess will prove irresistible. If political irresponsibility is inevitable, we really are out of ammunition that we can use without blowing ourselves up. But if, as I believe, the discipline problem can be solved, we need to start formulating the right rules and distribution of responsibilities…

Note also that chapter 23, “Notes on Mercantilism, the Usury Laws, Stamped Money and Theories of Under-Consumption”, of John Maynard Keynes’s General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money can be read with great profit here…

Must-read: Adair Turner: “Are Central Banks Really Out of Ammunition?”

Must-Read: Adair Turner: Are Central Banks Really Out of Ammunition?: “The global economy faces a chronic problem of deficient nominal demand…

…But the debate about which policies could boost demand remains inadequate, evasive, and confused. In Shanghai, the G-20 foreign ministers committed to use all available tools – structural, monetary, and fiscal – to boost growth rates and prevent deflation. But many of the key players are keener to point out what they can’t do than what they can….

Central banks frequently stress the limits of their powers, and bemoan lack of government progress toward ‘structural reform’…. But while some [SR measures] might increase potential growth over the long term, almost none can make any difference in growth or inflation rates over the next 1-3 years…. Vague references to ‘structural reform’ should ideally be banned, with everyone forced to specify which particular reforms they are talking about and the timetable for any benefits that are achieved…. Central bankers are right to stress the limits of what monetary policy alone can achieve…. Negative interest rates, and… yet more quantitative easing… can make little difference to real economic consumption and investment. Negative interest rates… [may have the] the actual and perverse consequence… [of] higher lending rates….

Nominal demand will rise only if governments deploy fiscal policy to reduce taxes or increase public expenditure – thereby, in Milton Friedman’s phrase, putting new demand directly ‘into the income stream.’ But the world is full of governments that feel unable to do this. Japan’s finance ministry is convinced that it must reduce its large fiscal deficit…. Eurozone rules mean that many member countries are committed to reducing their deficits. British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne is also determined to reduce, not increase, his country’s deficit. The standard official mantra has therefore become that countries that still have ‘fiscal space’ should use it. But there are no grounds for believing the most obvious candidates – such as Germany – will actually do anything….

These impasses have fueled growing fear that we are ‘out of ammunition’…. But if our problem is inadequate nominal demand, there is one policy that will always work. If governments run larger fiscal deficits and finance this not with interest-bearing debt but with central-bank money…. The option of so-called ‘helicopter money’ is therefore increasingly discussed. But the debate about it is riddled with confusions.

It is often claimed that monetizing fiscal deficits would commit central banks to keeping interest rates low forever, an approach that is bound to produce excessive inflation. It is simultaneously argued (sometimes even by the same people) that monetary financing would not stimulate demand because people will fear a future ‘inflation tax.’
Both assertions cannot be true; in reality, neither is. Very small money-financed deficits would produce only a minimal impact on nominal demand: very large ones would produce harmfully high inflation. Somewhere in the middle there is an optimal policy…. The one really important political issue is ignored: whether we can design rules and allocate institutional responsibilities to ensure that monetary financing is used only in an appropriately moderate and disciplined fashion, or whether the temptation to use it to excess will prove irresistible. If political irresponsibility is inevitable, we really are out of ammunition that we can use without blowing ourselves up. But if, as I believe, the discipline problem can be solved, we need to start formulating the right rules and distribution of responsibilities…

Must-read: Adair Turner: “Facing Up to Climate Reality”

Must-Read: Adair Turner: Facing Up to Climate Reality: “Achieving a low-carbon economy is essential…

…new technologies make that goal attainable at an acceptable cost; but technological progress alone will be insufficient without strong public policies…. The climate agreement reached in Paris last month represents a valuable but still insufficient response…. Wind energy is now cost-competitive in many locations, and the costs of solar energy continue to plummet–down around 70% since 2008. Rapid cost reductions are also being achieved in battery and other energy-storage technologies, bringing electric cars closer to economic viability and enabling flexible electricity supply even where a large percentage of power comes from intermittent sources…. Strong public-policy interventions are… essential to support an adequately fast energy transition that is as cost efficient as possible…

Must-Read: Adair Turner: Debt Déjà Vu

Must-Read: Not that we know what the right model is, mind you. But Adair Turner believes that it is more likely than not that the model the Federal Reserve is currently using to make its forecasts off of–the model that sees steady non-recessionary U.S. economic growth even with imminent interest-rate lift-off–is the wrong model:

Adair Turner: Debt Déjà Vu: “Financial markets have repeated the same error–predicting that US interest rates will rise within about six months…

…This serial misjudgment is the result… of a failure to grasp the strength and global nature of… deflationary forces…. We are caught in a trap where debt burdens do not fall, but simply shift among sectors and countries, and where monetary policies alone are inadequate to stimulate global demand…. The origin of this malaise lies in the creation of excessive debt to fund real-estate investment and construction… during Japan’s 1980s boom… since the financial crisis of 2008… [a] pattern has been repeated elsewhere… in the United States and several European countries…. Advanced economies’ cumulative private debt-to-GDP ratio has fallen slightly–from 167% to 163%… but public debt has grown from 79% to 105% of GDP. Fiscal austerity has therefore seemed essential; but it has exacerbated the deflationary impact of private deleveraging.

Before 2008, China’s economy was highly dependent on credit expansion, but not within the country itself. Rather, it ran large current-account surpluses…. [Starting] in late 2008… China’s government unleashed a massive credit-fueled construction boom… total credit growing from around 140% of GDP to more than 220%. That boom has now ended, leaving apartment blocks in second- and third-tier cities that will never be occupied, and loans to local governments and state-owned enterprises that will never be repaid….

QE alone cannot stimulate enough demand in a world where other major economies are facing the same challenges. By boosting asset prices, QE is meant to spur investment and consumption. But its effectiveness in stimulating domestic demand remains uncertain…. Central bank governors like the ECB’s Mario Draghi and the BOJ’s Haruhiko Kuroda often emphasize QE’s ability to deliver competitive exchange rates. But that approach simply shifts demand from one economy to another…. Seven years after 2008, global leverage is higher than ever, and aggregate global demand is still insufficient to drive robust growth. More radical policies–such as major debt write-downs or increased fiscal deficits financed by permanent monetization–will be required to increase global demand, rather than simply shift it around.