Weekend reading
This is a weekly post we publish every Friday with links to articles we think anyone interested in equitable growth should read. We won’t be the first to share these articles, but we hope by taking a look back at the whole week we can put them in context.
Economic stability
Is a bubble forming in leveraged buyouts of middle-market companies? [sober look]
Danielle Kurtzleben interviews Martin Wolf about his new book, “The Shifts and the Shocks.” [vox]
The top pulling away
Jim Tankersley writes that U.S. corporate executives look ready to abandon American workers and look elsewhere [storyline]
U.S. companies are increasingly using real estate trust funds to avoid taxation [the hill]
Brookings papers on economic activity: Fall 2014
Matthew Klein digs into a new paper on the best way to avoid a housing crisis [ft alphaville]
Josh Zumbrun looks at a paper by Matthew Weinzierl on the distribution consequences of using chained-CPI for indexing Social Security benefits [real time economics]
Max Ehrenfreund puts the paper by Federal Reserve economists arguing that the labor force participation rate won’t bounce back in context [wonkblog]